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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
salad dressing
▪ Basic vinaigrette Vinaigrette is a simple salad dressing of oil and vinegar.
▪ Fabio raised it, ironically, but Sergio was already back in the kitchen, doing something officious with the salad dressing.
▪ Plump red tomatoes, crisp green salads fresh with the bite of radish, spring onion and a trickle of salad dressing.
▪ Remember how the cool salad dressing ran smoothly over the crunchy lettuce.
salad dressing

n. A liquid or other substance (as mayonnaise), used to flavor or season a salad.

salad dressing

n. savory dressings for salads; basically of two kinds: either the thin French or vinaigrette type or the creamy mayonnaise type [syn: dressing]

Salad dressing
  1. redirect Salad#Dressings

Usage examples of "salad dressing".

Blood running from the rare meat mingled with the anchovy salad dressing.

Julian asked as he swished balsamic vinegar into the fig salad dressing.

If I baked the cake ahead of time and made the salad dressing, all I'd have to do on the day of the party was wash lettuce, make a sauce for the salmon, and fry the oysters.

The bread burned black, for the salad dressing so aggravated her that she could not make it fit to eat.

How many mouths could you feed with one bottle of diet creamy broccoli and onion salad dressing?

The main export of Genovia, I remember from my fact sheet, is olive oil, the really expensive kind my mom says only to use for salad dressing.

He was also concentrating on the salad dressing, his culinary specialty.

He went in to wash up and she put a tray of stuffed mushrooms into the oven and mixed the salad dressing.

I poured the salad dressing over the salad, tossed it and set everything on the kitchen counter.

While Becky dressed her burger with an impressive layer of various toppings, Kim picked out what he hoped would be the least offensive salad dressing.

He opened it and dolloped a clear liquid across the circuits like salad dressing.